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The ext_authz Protocol

By design, the ext_authz protocol used by the AuthService and by External Filters is highly flexible. The authentication service is the first external service invoked on an incoming request (e.g., it runs before the rate limit filter). Because the logic of authentication is encapsulated in an external service, you can use this to support a wide variety of use cases. For example:

  • Supporting traditional SSO authentication protocols, e.g., OAuth, OpenID Connect, etc.
  • Supporting HTTP basic authentication (sample implementation available here).
  • Only authenticating requests that are under a rate limit, and rejecting authentication requests above the rate limit.
  • Authenticating specific services (URLs), and not others.

For each request, the external auth service may either

  1. return a direct HTTP response, intended to be sent back to the requesting HTTP client (normally denying the request from being forwarded to the upstream backend service); or
  2. return a modification to make to the HTTP request before sending it to the upstream backend service (normally allowing the request to be forwarded to the upstream backend service with modifications).

The external auth service receives information about every request through Ambassador and must indicate whether the request is to be allowed, or not. If not, the external auth service provides the HTTP response which is to be handed back to the client. A potential control flow for Authentication is shown in the image below.

Giving the external auth service the ability to control the response allows many different types of auth mechanisms, for example:

  • The external auth service can simply return an error page with an HTTP 401 response.
  • The external auth service can choose to include a WWW-Authenticate header in the 401 response, to ask the client to perform HTTP Basic Auth.
  • The external auth service can issue a 301 Redirect to divert the client into an OAuth or OIDC authentication sequence. The control flow of this is shown below. Authentication flow

There are two variants of the ext_authz: gRPC, and plain HTTP.

The proto: grpc Protocol

When proto: grpc, the external auth service must implement the Authorization gRPC interface, defined in Envoy's external_auth.proto.

The proto: http Protocol

External services for proto: http are often easier to implement, but have several limitations, compared to proto: grpc:

  • The list of headers that the external auth service is interested in reading must be known ahead of time, in order to set allow_request_headers. Inspecting headers that are not known ahead of time requires instead using proto: grpc.
  • The list of headers that the external auth service would like to set or modify must be known ahead of time, in order to set allow_authorization_headers. Setting headers that are not known ahead of time requires instead using proto: grpc.
  • When returning a direct HTTP response, the HTTP status code cannot be 200 or in the 5XX range. Intercepting with a 200 of 5XX response requires instead using proto: grpc.

The Request From Ambassador to the External Auth Service

For every incoming request, a similar request is made to the external auth service that mimics the:

  • HTTP request method
  • HTTP request path, potentially modified by path_prefix
  • HTTP request headers that are either named in allowed_request_headers or in the fixed list of headers that are always included
  • first include_body.max_bytes of the HTTP request body.

The Content-Length HTTP header is set to the number of bytes in the body of the request sent to the external auth service (0 if include_body is not set).

ALL request methods will be proxied, which implies that the external auth service must be able to handle any request that any client could make.

So, for example, if the incoming request is

PUT /path/to/service HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 27
{ "greeting": "hello world!", "spiders": "OMG no" }

then the request Ambassador will make of the auth service is:

PUT /path/to/service HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 0

The Response Returned From the External Auth Service to Ambassador

  • If the HTTP response returned from the external auth service to Ambassador has an HTTP status code of 200, then the request is allowed through to the upstream backend service. Note well that only 200 indicates this; other 2XX status codes will prevent the request from being allowed through.

    The 200 response should not contain anything in the body, but may contain arbitrary headers. Any header present in the external auth service' response that is also either listed in the allow_authorization_headers attribute of the AuthService resource or in the fixed list of headers that are always included will be copied from the external auth service' response into the request going to the upstream backend service. This allows the external auth service to inject tokens or other information into the request, or to modify headers coming from the client.

    The big limitation here is that the list of headers to be set must be known ahead of time, in order to set allow_request_headers. Setting headers that are not known ahead of time requires instead using proto: grpc.

  • If Ambassador cannot reach the external auth service at all, if the external auth service does not return a valid HTTP response, or if the HTTP response has an HTTP status code in the 5XX range, then the communication with the external auth service is considered to have failed, and the status_on_error or failure_mode_allow behavior is triggered.

  • Any HTTP status code other than 200 or 5XX from the external auth service tells Ambassador to not allow the request to continue to the upstream backend service, but that the external auth service is instead intercepting the request. The entire HTTP response from the external auth service--including the status code, the headers, and the body--is handed back to the client verbatim. This gives the external auth service complete control over the entire response presented to the client.

    The big limitation here is that you cannot directly return a 200 or 5XX response. Intercepting with a 200 of 5XX response requires instead using proto: grpc.


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