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Consul Integration

Consul is a widely used service mesh. You can use Consul with Ambassador Edge Stack, as it natively supports Consul for service discovery and end-to-end TLS (including mTLS between services). This capability is particularly useful when deploying Ambassador Edge Stack in so-called hybrid clouds, where applications are deployed on VMs and Kubernetes. In this environment, Ambassador Edge Stack can securely route over TLS to any application regardless of where it is deployed.

Architecture Overview

In this architecture, Consul serves as the source of truth for your entire data center, tracking available endpoints, service configuration, and secrets for TLS encryption. New applications and services automatically register themselves with Consul using the Consul agent or API. When a request is sent through Ambassador Edge Stack, Ambassador Edge Stack sends the request to an endpoint based on the data in Consul.


Getting Started

In this guide, you will register a service with Consul and use Ambassador Edge Stack to dynamically route requests to that service based on Consul's service discovery data. If you already have Ambassador Edge Stack installed, you will just need to configure the ConsulResolver in step 3.

  1. Install and configure Consul (instructions). Consul can be deployed anywhere in your data center.

  2. Deploy Ambassador Edge Stack. Note: If this is your first time deploying Ambassador Edge Stack, reviewing the quick start guide is strongly recommended.

    kubectl apply -f

    If you're on GKE, or haven't previously created the Ambassador Edge Stack service, please see the quick start guide.

  3. Configure Ambassador Edge Stack to look for services registered to Consul by creating the ConsulResolver:

    kind: ConsulResolver
    name: consul-dc1
    address: consul-server.default.svc.cluster.local:8500
    datacenter: dc1

    This will tell Ambassador Edge Stack that Consul is a service discovery endpoint. Save the configuration to a file (e.g., ambassador-service.yaml, and apply this configuration with kubectl apply -f ambassador-service.yaml. For more information about resolver configuration, see the resolver reference documentation. (If you're using Consul deployed elsewhere in your data center, make sure the address points to your Consul FQDN or IP address).

Routing to Consul Services

You'll now register a demo application with Consul, and show how Ambassador Edge Stack can route to this application using endpoint data from Consul. To simplify this tutorial, you'll deploy the application in Kubernetes, although in practice this application can be deployed anywhere in your data center (e.g., on VMs).

  1. Deploy the QOTM demo application. The QOTM application contains code to automatically register itself with Consul, using the CONSUL_IP and POD_IP environment variables specified within the QOTM container spec.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: qotm
    replicas: 1
    type: RollingUpdate
    app: qotm
    app: qotm
    "": "false"
    - name: qotm
    - name: http-api
    containerPort: 5000
    - name: CONSUL_IP
    fieldPath: status.hostIP
    - name: POD_IP
    fieldPath: status.podIP
    path: /health
    port: 5000
    initialDelaySeconds: 30
    periodSeconds: 3
    cpu: "0.1"
    memory: 100Mi

    Save the above to a file called qotm.yaml and run kubectl apply -f qotm.yaml. This will register the QOTM pod as a Consul service with the name qotm-consul and the IP address of the QOTM pod.

  2. Verify the QOTM pod has been registered with Consul. You can verify the QOTM pod is registered correctly by accessing the Consul UI.

    kubectl port-forward service/consul-ui 8500:80

    Go to http://localhost:8500/ from a web browser and you should see a service named qotm-consul.

  3. Create a Mapping for the qotm-consul service.

    kind: Mapping
    name: consul-qotm-mapping
    prefix: /qotm-consul/
    service: qotm-consul
    resolver: consul-dc1
    policy: round_robin

Save the above YAML to a file named qotm-mapping.yaml, and use kubectl apply -f qotm-mapping.yaml to apply this configuration to your Kubernetes cluster. Note that in the above config:

  • resolver must be set to the ConsulResolver that you created in the previous step
  • load_balancer must be set to configure Ambassador Edge Stack to route directly to the QOTM application endpoint(s) that are retrieved from Consul.
  1. Send a request to the qotm-consul API.

    curl -L http://$AMBASSADOR_IP/qotm-consul/
    {"hostname":"qotm-749c675c6c-hq58f","ok":true,"quote":"The last sentence you read is often sensible nonsense.","time":"2019-03-29T22:21:42.197663","version":"1.7"}

Congratulations! You're successfully routing traffic to the QOTM application, the location of which is registered in Consul.

Encrypted TLS

Ambassador Edge Stack can also use certificates stored in Consul to originate encrypted TLS connections from Ambassador Edge Stack to the Consul service mesh. This requires the use of the Ambassador Edge Stack Consul connector. The following steps assume you've already set up Consul for service discovery, as detailed above.

  1. The Ambassador Consul connector retrieves the TLS certificate issued by the Consul CA and stores it in a Kubernetes secret for Ambassador Edge Stack to use. Deploy the Ambassador Edge Stack Consul Connector with kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f

This will install into your cluster:

  • RBAC resources.
  • The Consul connector service.
  • A TLSContext named ambassador-consul to load the ambassador-consul-connect secret into Ambassador Edge Stack.

Note: If you have previously installed the consul connector in the default namespace in your cluster, you'll want to clean up the old (and now unused) resources in the default namespace. If you are installing the consul connector in your cluster for the first time, you can ignore this and move on to step two.

Having duplicates of the Consul connector resources in the ambassador and default namespaces should not impact the functionality of the Consul connector, but it's good practice to clean up unused resources.

First, delete the service account, Consul connector service and TLSContext resources from the default namespace:

kubectl delete -f

Then, delete the secret created by the connector service in the default namespace. ambassador-consul-connect is the default name of the secret, but if you have set the _AMBASSADOR_TLS_SECRET_NAME environment variable on the consul-connect-injector-webhook-deployment deployment, you should sub in that secret name value for ambassador-consul-connect in the command below.

kubectl delete secret -n default ambassador-consul-connect
  1. Deploy a new version of the demo application, and configure it to inject the Consul sidecar proxy by setting "" to true. Note that in this version of the configuration, you do not have to configure environment variables for the location of the Consul server:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: qotm-mtls
    replicas: 1
    type: RollingUpdate
    app: qotm
    app: qotm
    "": "true"
    - name: qotm
    - name: http-api
    containerPort: 5000
    path: /health
    port: 5000
    initialDelaySeconds: 30
    periodSeconds: 3
    cpu: "0.1"
    memory: 100Mi

    Copy this YAML in a file called qotm-consul-mtls.yaml and apply it to your cluster with kubectl apply -f qotm-consul-mtls.yaml.

    This will deploy a demo application called qotm-mtls with the Connect sidecar proxy. The Connect proxy will register the application with Consul, require TLS to access the application, and expose other Consul Service Segmentation features.

  2. Verify the qotm-mtls application is registered in Consul by accessing the Consul UI on http://localhost:8500/ after running:

    kubectl port-forward service/consul-ui 8500:80

    You should see a service registered as qotm-proxy.

  3. Create a Mapping to route to the qotm-mtls-proxy service in Consul

    kind: Mapping
    name: consul-qotm-mapping-tls
    prefix: /qotm-consul-tls/
    service: qotm-sidecar-proxy
    resolver: consul-dc1
    tls: ambassador-consul
    policy: round_robin
    • resolver must be set to the ConsulResolver created when configuring Ambassador Edge Stack
    • tls must be set to the TLSContext storing the Consul mTLS certificates (e.g. ambassador-consul)
    • load_balancer must be set to configure Ambassador Edge Stack to route directly to the application endpoint(s) that are retrieved from Consul

    Copy this YAML to a file named qotm-consul-mtls-mapping.yaml and apply it to your cluster with kubectl apply -f qotm-consul-mtls-mapping.yaml.

  4. Send a request to the /qotm-consul-tls/ API.

    curl -L $AMBASSADOR_IP/qotm-consul-tls/
    {"hostname":"qotm-6c6dc4f67d-hbznl","ok":true,"quote":"A principal idea is omnipresent, much like candy.","time":"2019-04-17T19:27:54.758361","version":"1.7"}

Environment Variables

The Consul Connector can be configured with the following environment variables. The defaults will be best for most use-cases.

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault
_AMBASSADOR_IDSet the Ambassador ID so multiple instances of this integration can run per-Cluster when there are multiple Ambassadors (Required if AMBASSADOR_ID is set in your Ambassador deployment)""
_CONSUL_HOSTSet the IP or DNS name of the target Consul HTTP API server127.0.0.1
_CONSUL_PORTSet the port number of the target Consul HTTP API server8500
_AMBASSADOR_TLS_SECRET_NAMESet the name of the Kubernetes v1.Secret created by this program that contains the Consul-generated TLS certificate.$AMBASSADOR_ID-consul-connect
_AMBASSADOR_TLS_SECRET_NAMESPACESet the namespace of the Kubernetes v1.Secret created by this program.(same Namespace as the Pod running this integration)

More Information

For more about Ambassador Edge Stack's integration with Consul, read the service discovery configuration documentation.


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