Ship software faster
 on Kubernetes

Thousands of organizations of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies,
use Ambassador to code and deliver microservices on Kubernetes faster.


Our software enables application developers on Kubernetes to
find critical information, fix issues rapidly, and safely release code to end users,
without requiring an overworked DevOps engineer for support.

Service Catalog

Speed incident response

Find critical information about your microservices. Who owns the service? Where’s the source repository? Use Kubernetes annotations to document your services and share this information with your team in our portal.

The ease of use of a portal, the completeness of the API documentation, the ease with which you can search for the right API and the speed at which developers can find and try out the API they need, are all fundamental to the success of an API program.


Fast, local development for Kubernetes microservices

Code a single microservice locally while running the rest of your application in the cloud. Use your favorite IDE and tools to accelerate your inner dev loop.

Telepresence provides a quick and easy way to get a full stack running locally, and each service’s development build can be fast and simple.

Edge Stack

Self-service, Kubernetes-native API Gateway

Secure your microservices at the Edge. Leverage the power of Envoy Proxy to load balance, authenticate, rate limit, and route traffic into your Kubernetes cluster. Use declarative CRDs to manage Edge Stack, integrating it seamlessly into your GitOps workflow.

Ambassador provided an easy path forward at Greenlight for Kubernetes adoption and empowering self sufficient engineering teams. The first class support we received in addition to their rock solid engineering gives us great confidence in our partnership.

Why Ambassador?


We have thousands of users on our Slack channel. Hundreds of developers have contributed to our open source projects, Ambassador and Telepresence.

designed for developers

We agonize over how to optimize the cloud-native developer workflow, so you can focus on writing and shipping code.

kubernetes first

Our software doesn’t run anywhere outside of Kubernetes. This lets us take full advantage of Kubernetes, and build software that is fully idiomatic with the Kubernetes ecosystem.

deliberately boring

Our software is deployed in environments that peak at over 100K requests per second, and backed by our 24x7 support and engineering teams. We conduct regular gamedays and postmortem every outage so that we’re constantly improving.

Ready to ship Kubernetes services faster?

Start using Telepresence to set up a
real-time development loop in minutes.

You’ll never go back.

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