Free Kubernetes Developer Tools

Get started sooner and remove friction from your
development experience with Ambassador's free
Kubernetes developer tools.

Generate Your K8s YAML with Initializer

Bootstrap networking, ingress, and observability in a new Kubernetes cluster in just 5 clicks.

To effectively build, test, and release cloud native applications, engineers need an application-ready Kubernetes cluster that allows them to route test traffic to observable services. Often this type of environment is custom configured as needed or manually bootstrapped, which creates unnecessary friction. The K8s Initializer eliminates these bottlenecks and empowers engineers with a self-service web-based interface to set up a Kubernetes cluster.

Automatic TLS

Set up automatic Kubernetes TLS on a unique domain in minutes.

Setting up Kubernetes TLS requires you to gain access to your organization's domain (which can take months) and manage ongoing certificates. Ambassador Edge Stack is the easiest way to get Kubernetes Ingress TLS configured. Edge Stack includes everything you need: a certificate manager, a certificate, and most importantly, a temporary domain pre-configured to get you up and running.

Get Traffic to Your Cluster, Free Auth, Ingress, Load Balancing Up to 400,000 Requests Per Day with the Edge Stack

The most popular Kubernetes Native API Gateway has a free version up to 400,000 requests per day (5 RPS) that includes everything you need to get traffic into your K8s cluster. Get started with the winning Ambassador Lab's Edge Stack.