Your Developers can be Heroes on Kubernetes
“The developer experience is crucial to adoption of any new infrastructure platform, especially microservices. If you don’t get it right, you might as well stick with a monolith.”
– Whitney Sorenson, VP Platform Infrastructure, HubSpot
The wrong assumptions and choices can undermine your move to Kubernetes.
Instructions on how to implement and scale Kubernetes abounds. What’s missing from these discussions? How do you make developers be super-productive on Kubernetes?
The wrong assumptions and choices can unintentionally destroy developer productivity.
Want to learn how to how to avoid making the same mistakes dozens of well-meaning organizations regret making and having to recover from?
On Thursday, May 25th 1 PM ET, join Richard Li and Rafael Schloming, founders of the Microservices Practitioner Summit and Datawire for an updated and condensed version of our popular talk from the O’Reilly Software Architecture conference.
Based on lessons gleaned from both large organizations (Netflix, Uber), mid-sized (Yelp, HubSpot), and small, Richard and Rafael will discuss the key steps these organizations took to optimize their developers’ productivity as they migrated to Kubernetes.
Join this webinar to learn how to maximize developer productivity on Kubernetes:
- Learn what best practices your peer companies are adopting
- Hear what open source technologies are being adopted