High-performance, flexible ingress controller for Kubernetes

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Some of our customers

"Ambassador is a great productivity tool, and provides a single point of reference for all of our services. We’ve also saved a lot of money and complexity since we’ve eliminated many of our ELBs. Ambassador has been very stable and robust for our needs."

"Ambassador provides a simple, decentralized way of managing Envoy files through annotations which allows us to declare the state of the routing tier directly to code and simplify the dev-ops process"

"Regarding Ambassador, all I hear around our company is pure joy."

"Ever since the inception of Kubernetes, we’ve witnessed a community of ideas coming together and evolving best practices. Ambassador is one of the building blocks we adopted and are proud to be contributing to."

Alexandre Gervais

Staff Software Engineer, AppDirect

"Ambassador provided an easy path forward at Greenlight for Kubernetes adoption and empowering self-sufficient engineering teams. The first-class support we received from Ambassador Labs, in addition to their rock-solid engineering, gives us great confidence in our partnership."

Engineered for Availability

- Single container architecture ensures operational simplicity.

- Extensive metrics on the ingress controller itself ensure real-time visibility into controller performance.

- Rigorous automated performance and functional testing are integrated into the release process so that problems are found before release, not after.

High Performance and Scale

- Optimized for Kubernetes: Ensure low request latency even as you scale your workloads up and down.

- Scale to thousands of microservices: Battle tested to thousands of individual microservices and independent configurations.


- Designed for cloud-native applications: Route and load balance any type of traffic (including HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC, WebSockets). Gain insight into your traffic with best-in-class observability.

- Web scale: Powering the Internet’s largest sites including AirBnb, Lyft, and Google.

- Global community: Envoy has a global community of hundreds of contributors and is a vendor-neutral Cloud Native Computing Foundation project.

What is Kubernetes Ingress?

Kubernetes ingress is a collection of routing rules that govern how external users access services running in a Kubernetes cluster.

In a typical Kubernetes application, you have pods running inside a cluster and a load balancer running outside. The load balancer takes connections from the internet and routes the traffic to an edge proxy that sits inside your cluster. This edge proxy is then responsible for routing traffic into your pods. The edge proxy is commonly called an ingress controller because it is commonly configured using ingress resources in Kubernetes, however the edge proxy can also be configured with custom resource definitons (CRDs) or annotations.

Learn more about Kubernetes Ingress