Ambassador’s Integrations and Partners

Let's Encrypt's logo

Let's Encypt is a nonprofit Certificate Authority providing TLS certificates.

Salesforce Single Sign-On's logo

Salesforce is a customer relationship management solution. You can use Salesforce as your IdP with the Ambassador Edge Stack.

Google Single Sign-on's logo

With the Ambassador Edge Stack, you can use Google as an IdP for Single Sign-On.

Signal Sciences's logo

Signal Sciences is a next-generation web application firewall (WAF) that allows organizations to block OWASP attacks, account takeovers, bad bots, application denial of service, and much more. Configure their next-generation WAF for all incoming traffic at the cluster edge.

Lightstep's logo

Lightstep is an external trace visualization service for multi-layered architectures. The Ambassador Edge Stack integrates with LightStep with the TracingService plugin.

Datadog 's logo

Datadog is a modern monitoring and analytics solution for seeing inside any stack, any app at any scale, anywhere. With the Ambassador Edge Stack, you can initiate a trace on some sample requests and Datadog APM to visualize them.

Knative's logo

Knative is a popular Kubernetes-based platform for managing serverless workloads with eventing and serving. Ambassador can watch for changes in Knative configuration in your Kubernetes cluster and set up routing accordingly.

LinkerD's logo

Linkerd 2 is a zero-config and ultra-lightweight service mesh. Ambassador Edge Stack natively supports Linkerd 2 for service discovery and end-to-end TLS (including mTLS between services).

Auth0's logo

Auth0 is an Identity Provider (IdP) that can be leveraged with the Ambassador Edge Stack.

Graphite's logo

Graphite is an enterprise-ready real-time monitoring tool that works on hardware or cloud infrastructure. With the Ambassador Edge Stack, you can expose a multitude of statistics abouts its own operationm which you can direct to a monitoring tool like Graphite.

Telepresence's logo

Telepresence allows you up a two-way network proxy from your live cluster to your local code changes and use your favorite debugger or other tools. Service Preview, a feature of the Ambassador Edge Stack, builds on Telepresence to allow multiple developers to use the same staging environment.

Consul 's logo

Consul is a widely used service mesh. Ambassador Edge Stack natively supports Consul for service discovery and end-to-end TLS (including mTLS between services).

Zipkin's logo

Zipkin is an open-source distributed tracing system that can be used to store and visualize Ambassador Edge Stack-generated traces.

Jenkin X's logo

Jenkins X is a CI/CD solution for modern cloud applications on Kubernetes. Jenkins X provides pipeline automation, built-in GitOps and preview environments to help teams collaborate and accelerate their software delivery at any scale. The Ambassador addon for Jenkins X gives you smart load balancing on Kubernetes.

Prometheus's logo

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting system. When used along with Grafana and the Ambassador Edge Stack, you can create a dynamic dashboard for monitoring ingress into your Kubernetes cluster.

Okta's logo

Okta provides identify management with single sign-on, multifactor authentication, lifecycle management and more. With the Ambassador Edge Stack, you can set up single sign-on with Okta.

Istio's logo

Istio is a popular service mesh. Ambassador Edge Stack and Istio can be deployed together on Kubernetes. Incoming traffic from outside the cluster is first routed through the Ambassador Edge Stack, which then routes the traffic to Istio-powered services.

Envoy's logo

Envoy is an open-source edge and service proxy designed for cloud-native applications. The Ambassador Edge Stack is built on the Envoy Proxy and Kubernetes.

OneLogin Single Sign-On's logo

OneLogin is an application that manages authentication for your users on your network, and can provide backend access to Ambassador.

Grafana's logo

Grafana is a multi-platform open-source analytics and interactive visualization software. When used along with Prometheus and the Ambassador Edge Stack, you can create a dynamic dashboard for monitoring ingress into your Kubernetes cluster.

Azure Active Directory's logo

Azure Active Directory is an enterprise identify service providing single sign-on and multi-factor authentication. You can use Azure Active Directory as your IdP with the Ambassador Edge Stack.

gRPC's logo

gRPC is a modern open-source high-performance RPC framework for efficienctly conntect services in and across data centers. Ambassador Edge Stack makes it easy to access your services from outside your application and this includes gRPC.

Keycloak Single Sign-On's logo

Keycloak is an open source identity and access management solution. You can set up Kelcloak as your IdP with the Ambassador Edge Stack.