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Azure AD

Set up Azure AD

To use Azure as your IdP, you will first need to register an OAuth application with your Azure tenant.

  1. Follow the steps in the Azure documentation here to register your application. Make sure to select "web application" (not native application) when creating your OAuth application.

  2. After you have registered your application, click on App Registrations in the navigation panel on the left and select the application you just created.

  3. Make a note of both the client and tenant IDs as these will be used later when configuring Ambassador Edge Stack.

  4. Click on Authentication in the left sidebar.

    • Under Redirect URIs at the top, add a Redirect URI with the type Web and set it to https://{{AMBASSADOR_URL}}/.ambassador/oauth2/redirection-endpoint

      Note: Azure AD requires the redirect endpoint to handle TLS

    • Under Advanced settings, make sure the application is issuing Access tokens by checking next to the box that says Access tokens

    • Under Supported account types select whichever option fits your use case

  5. Click on Certificates & secrets in the left sidebar. Click + New client secret and set the expiration date you wish. Copy the value of this secret somewhere. You will need it when configuring Ambassador Edge Stack.

Set Up the Ambassador Edge Stack

After configuring an OAuth application in Azure AD, configuring Ambassador Edge Stack to make use of it for authentication is simple.

  1. Create an OAuth Filter with the credentials from above:

    kind: Filter
    name: azure-ad
    # Azure AD openid-configuration endpoint can be found at
    # Client ID from step 3 above
    clientID: CLIENT_ID
    # Secret created in step 5 above
    secret: CLIENT_SECRET
    # The protectedOrigin is the scheme and Host of your Ambassador endpoint
    - origin: https://{{AMBASSADOR_URL}}
  2. Create a FilterPolicy to use the Filter created above

    kind: FilterPolicy
    name: azure-policy
    # Requires authentication on requests from any hostname
    - host: "*"
    # Tells Ambassador Edge Stack to apply the Filter only on request to the quote /backend/get-quote/ endpoint
    path: /backend/get-quote/
    # Identifies which Filter to use for the path and host above
    - name: azure-ad
  3. Apply both the Filter and FilterPolicy above with kubectl

    kubectl apply -f azure-ad-filter.yaml
    kubectl apply -f azure-policy.yaml

Now any requests to https://{{AMBASSADOR_URL}}/backend/get-quote/ will require authentication from Azure AD.


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