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Past events and webinars

Event happening on Mar 04, 2021

Ambassador Developer Office Hours: March

Ambassador Community Office Hours are a series of virtual office hours hosted by Developer Advocate Peter O'Neill. Each session will focus on on a topic specific to making the most out of your Ambassador Labs products.

These office hours are meant to be laid back and provide our community a space where you can ask questions live and in a casual format and get them answered by the Ambassador Labs team in real-time. Come hang out with us!

Learn about the event Ambassador Developer Office Hours: March
Event happening on Mar 02, 2021

Baltimore Go Monthly Meeting - March

Join fellow Go programming enthusiasts, professionals and the just-curious for an evening of presentations, learning and socializing.

We aim to be a welcoming and inclusive group regardless of your skill level, race or gender identity. Don't hesitate to come and spend some quality time with us as we explore all that Go has to offer.


Unable to reproduce an issue locally and the production logs aren’t helping? Let me show you how to debug your local Go services as if they were in the production cluster with Telepresence, then iterate at speed with Skaffold creating your ultra-fast inner-dev-loop.
With Peter O'Neill, Developer Advocate at Ambassador Labs

Learn about the event Baltimore Go Monthly Meeting - March
Event happening on Feb 24, 2021

The State of Debugging Java 2021

This event features a panel of experienced Java experts and community leaders who’ll be having a lively, interactive discussion that will spotlight the state of debugging Java in development, in 2021.

Our expert panel will address how to navigate around the challenges of debugging in the context of:

1. How to reduce time to diagnosis and accelerate time to fix
2. What tools & methods are available for debugging complex applications
3. How test failures can slow down the velocity of CICD test automation and how to prevent this
4. The benefits of automating the recording of software failures (Software Failure Replay)
5. Top tips for collaborative and remote debugging in the age of remote working
6. How to improve code understandability and the benefits of doing so

Join our leading experts to share your challenges, hear from others who have similar challenges and learn about some of the best tools and techniques available for debugging and resolving test failures fast.


* Angie Jones - Senior Director of Developer Relations, Applitools
* Daniel Bryant - Director of Developer Relations, Ambassador Labs
* Stefania Chaplin - Solutions Architect, Secure Code Warrior
* Mary Grygleski - Developer Advocate, IBM
* Jonathan Harris - VP of Product, Undo
* Josh Long - Developer Advocate, Spring

Submit your questions when you register and we will answer as many of them as we can during this live webinar. Questions can be submitted here:

Learn about the event The State of Debugging Java 2021
Event happening on Feb 17, 2021

Debugging Go Services in Kubernetes with Skaffold and Telepresence

Peter O'Neill: Debugging Go Services in Kubernetes with Skaffold and Telepresence

Unable to reproduce an issue locally and the production logs aren’t helping? Let me show you how to debug your local Go services as if they were in the production cluster with Telepresence, then iterate at speed with Skaffold creating your ultra-fast inner-dev-loop.

Peter is a Rock Climber, Scuba Diver, and Digital Nomad. When not seeking adventure he works at Ambassador Labs as a Developer Advocate where he helps to create a better Cloud Native Developer Experience. He enjoys talking about open source technologies and collecting stickers for all of his stuff. Previously he is worked at a number of awesome places including Mozilla, Webpass by Google, ThousandEyes by Cisco, and strongDM.

Learn about the event Debugging Go Services in Kubernetes with Skaffold and Telepresence
Event happening on Feb 16, 2021

LJC Virtual Event: Kubernetes Panel

Due to popular interest, we're following up the recent introductory session on Kubernetes for Java Developers with a stellar panel of Java luminaries for a no-hold-barred discussion on what it actually takes to successfully set up, run and manage k8s clusters at scale - from the experts with the scars to prove they've done it.

We'll warm up with a few starter questions and then open it up to the audience, so please join us for what promises to be an awesome evening.

Questions we expect to cover include:

What is the biggest challenge for Kubernetes as a Java developer?

What do you wish you knew when you started out?

What tips do you have for people running production clusters at scale?

Where do you see the platform headed in the future?

What is your worst / best k8s battle story?

What's the biggest myth you'd like to bust about k8s and Java?

About the panelists

Edson Yanaga - ( - Java Champion, Microsoft MVP, TDC Rockstar, Developer, Teacher, and Enabler

Nick Ebbitt - ( - Senior Software Engineer at Auto Trader UK/Organiser of Manchester JUG

Daniel Bryant - ( - Director of Dev Rel at Ambassador Labs | InfoQ & QCon | Co-author of "CD in Java" and "Mastering API Architecture"

Ana-Maria Mihalceanu - ( - Solutions Architect at IBM

Duncan Lawie - ( - Interim Head of Technology Transformation

About the host

Robert Barr - ( - Head of Engineering

This event is organised by RecWorks on behalf of the London Java Community.

Learn about the event LJC Virtual Event: Kubernetes Panel
Event happening on Feb 02, 2021

Getting started with Ambassador and Consul on Kubernetes using K8s Initializer

Great ideas need to be easy to explore in order to make great products. Standing up a development sandbox that mirrors your production environment is made fast and simple with the K8s Initializer from Ambassador Labs. In just a few minutes and with just a few clicks to describe what you need, you can be up and running and focusing on what matters the most - your idea. We invite you to watch as Daniel Bryant from Ambassador Labs and David Yu from Hashicorp show you just how simple it is to go from prototype to (almost) production with Ambassador Edge Stack & the Consul service mesh in no time at all.

Learn about the event Getting started with Ambassador and Consul on Kubernetes using K8s Initializer
Event happening on November 17 - 20, 2020

Ambassador Fest!

An online meetup where members of the community can connect directly with our engineers and other users to exchange ideas and ask questions. There will be lightning talks by Ambassador and Telepresence engineers, demos, office hours, and AMAs.

Learn about the event Ambassador Fest!
Event happening on August 31 - 03, 2020

DevOpsCon London 2020

DevOpsCon London 2020 – The Conference for Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Microservices, Containers, Cloud & Lean Business | August 31 – September 3, 2020 in London

Learn about the event DevOpsCon London 2020
Event happening on August 13 - 16, 2020

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from August 13 – 16, 2020.

Learn about the event KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020